Betel Leaf Oil
Betel Leaf Oil is derived from the leaves of the Betal Leaf plant, which produces this aromatic essential oil. The heart-shaped leaves have a distinct pleasant aroma and are frequently chewed alone or in combination with other plant materials.
Ayurvedic practitioners value betel leaf essential oil for its stimulating, carminative, aromatic, antiseptic, warming, and aphrodisiac properties. Among natives, it has several medicinal applications, including hardening gums, preserving teeth, and sweetening breath.
It also improves the voice and is said to be an aphrodisiac.
Piper betle leaf
Piper Betle Leaf Oil
Memiliki khasiat anti bakteri , seperti meredakan radang tenggorokan
Sebagai antiseptik dan desinfektan
Digunakan sebagai obat kumur
Digunakan untuk campuran sabun karena fungsinya sebagai anti bakteri sehingga bisa membantu membersihkan bagian tubuh